I posted this Tuesday morning on Instagram:
Obstacles can’t stop You.
Problems can’t stop You.
People can’t stop You.
Only YOU can stop You.
I had a lot of likes and a few comments about the fact that your own self-doubt is what you are fighting.

Here’s a story to think about. This is a picture of Jim Thorpe. Yes, the Jim Thorpe who won two gold medals in the 1912 Olympics. Look closely at the photo and you can see he’s wearing different shoes and socks. Not a fashion statement. On one morning of his several days of competition at the 1912 Olympics, this American Indian from Oklahoma, found his shoes were stolen. Luckily, he found some shoes in the garbage and that is what he is wearing in this photo. Shoes from the garbage can. One of the shoes were too big, so he had to wear two pairs of socks. Wearing those mis-matched shoes he won two gold medals in the pentathlon and decathlon.
This is a perfect reminder that you don’t have to let your excuses, or your circumstances hold you back. You are enough. Believe in yourself and the fact that with God’s help you can achieve anything.
Only YOU can stop You from achieving your dreams. This applies to your fitness AND life goals!