Ph: 817-416-6155
Fx: 817-329-9434

Grapevine and Keller, TX

The Benefits of Yoga

Many runners feel that just running is enough activity to keep you happy and healthy. The older I get and the longer I run, I have come to realize that cross-training, stretching and strength training are very helpful in keeping me injury free. Yoga is a great way to stretch and get strength training at the same time. It also helps with mental clarity and although I always say that my running helps burn off the crazy; yoga helps center your mind.

So to convince my very stubborn runners to try a little yoga, here are just a few physical benefits of yoga:

  1. Better balance
  2. Improved posture
  3. Better sleep
  4. Greater flexibility, strength and stamina
  5. Stronger immune system
  6. Cardiovascular efficiency increases

If these benefits are not enough to convince you, here are the mental benefits of yoga:

  1. Calm and clarity
  2. Sense of inner well-being, more centered
  3. Increase awareness of body and movement
  4. Counters depression and anxiety
  5. Improved concentration
  6. More self-acceptance

If these benefits still haven’t convinced you, then just realize that yoga is so effective for runners because it involves dynamic stretching of muscles that are either stressed or tired by over-exercise, or shortened through overuse. Just try it! You will thank me later.

Happy Running!